Hi there, I'm Robert
I hope that you and your dog are well. Like you, I love dogs. No other species has adapted and bonded to humans more than our canine friends. This makes them very special indeed as I'm sure you already know.
I've always been drawn to dogs and love the way they have integrated into the family home. I like spending time with all sorts of dogs and have often been told that I've made a connection with a dog that has surprised its owners.
But how did I get here? Well I've always liked the outdoors, it's a great place to exercise and relax. In my younger days I was a back of the pack Triathlete, Mountain biker, and Kayaker. Life changed and I hadn't been doing as many outdoor activities as I should have been (I'll blame work etc). Then around 10 years ago we (after being dogless for way too long) moved to a house and Malee, a female Doberman puppy became part of our family. To be honest, running wasn't my favorite thing but Malee soon changed that. She had such a zest for life, and running through the bush was her thing. I did a little research, purchased some canicross gear and started going to our local parkruns. It was during our second parkrun that something strange and wonderful happened. Now, Malee absolutely loved balls, and bigger was better (it was my failure that she often, at least 50% of the time didn't want to give them back to the people she "borrowed" them from straight away, often playing "keep away" for way too long), anyway we were running along a dirt road, fenced on the sides, when a couple of young guys appeared ahead of us kicking a soccer ball, walking slowly toward us. I knew what was coming, grabbed the bungee leash with both hands and got ready to stop the lunge. The ball was a couple of meters away but Malee stayed focused running right past it. This had never ever, ever happened before and I just about went into shock while trying to figure out what had just happened. I soon learned that I had just witnessed the magic of canicross, I needed to know more.
After doing some research I found out that, like a lot of working dogs, when given a job to do they increase their focus and are less likely to be distracted and/or reactive. Combined with the fact (yes there was a study in 2012) that dogs get a similar "runners high" (endorphin release) like us humans makes canicross such a powerful training activity.
Over time I have completed various qualifications which I believe can greatly assist the work we will complete together to improve both your and your dog's general health and lifestyles. These include;
Certified Canine Remedial Massage Therapist
Certified Canine Fitness and Conditioning Coach
Certified Level 2 Recreational Running Coach
Certified Trail and Ultra Coach
Certified Animal Reiki Practitioner (Level 2 human as well)
Accredited Mental Health First Aider
I have a thirst for knowledge and am always learning new things about helping our canine friends. I am a member of several professional organizations, attend seminars, workshops and am continually studying techniques from some of the fields leading practitioners in their fields.
I am also very proud to state that since 2018 I have been the official canine masseur to the RSPCA's Million Paws 500 Club (NSW), volunteering my time to pamper the dogs of their fundraising champions.Wow, what a ride as possible.

Our mission
We are passionate about canicross & canihiking and will provide our clients with the highest quality coaching, products and support. We believe that canicross is much more than just a sport, we’ll help you build on the bond with your dog whilst improving the physical and mental health of both of you, regardless of what level you are on today.
Our vision
We envision a world where all dogs and their humans run, or hike together as a team to share the joys and benefits of exploring the great outdoors.

My why.......
Malee was my original inspiration, Arya is taking me to new levels.

Doberman 7/2013 - 8/2023

German Short-haired Pointer Cross German Wire-haired Pointer 8/2022 -